Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Arthur Crowe *Coming Soon* Aztek Princess

Aztek Princess 

Tube – Aztek Princess by Arthur Crowe

Aztek Princess Matching Kit by Kizzed by Kelz

Mask 297 by Weescotlass


Open mask and minimize

600x600 Img

Open Paper 6 and Copy to your Img
Layers-New-Mask-Layer-Find mask in source window-merge group

Ele 11 – CP/RS 80%
Place in the center of the tag.

Open the tube – CP the Princess without the tiger and place her in the center of the grass

Ele 6 – CP/RS 80%
Place behind the grass and tube

Ele 15 – CP/RS 80%
Place on the left side under all but the mask

Ele 34 – CP/DNR
Place in the center under all but the mask where the tube covers the center of the rocks.
Erase any of the Rocks sticking out from the first Rock.
(Mine for reference)

Ele 30 – Img-Flip Vertical
Place on the right side of the tag above all.
Erase any of the mask sticking from the right of the sword.

Ele 33 – CP/RS 25%
Place to the left of the sword
Duplicate the Mace twice and place one in the center and one to the right of the tube Adjust-
(Mine for reference)

Ele 36 – Img-Flip Vertical
CP/RS 25%
Place to the left of the tube and underneath to where it looks like it's leaning against the rock.

Ele 14 – CP/RS 30%
Place left side on top of grass but below tube and weapon

Add drop shadows to desired layers with your preferred settings

Add your copyright information,
Save as psp image first to have a blank for later use
Add your name with your font of choice.

Save as PNG! 


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